
Oct 6, 2020

. UX Tools .

3 min read

Why UX matters for your Business

UX or User Experience is a tool that connects your business to your customers. How your UX turns out makes or breaks the choice for your end-user.

UX or User Experience is a tool that connects your business to your customers. How your UX turns out makes or breaks the choice for your end-user. On the other hand, sound UX design principles impact organizational efficiency as well. The quality of UX achieved is driven by the ambition, internal processes, and attitude of the people of the company. Businesses with poor quality of UX will lose their customers to the competitors in no time. **How UX generates value to your business** With over 3 billion users, the Internet and digitization have completely taken over our lives. The digital age has shattered the so-called “norms” of business that were so solid and has taken over all industries and sectors. Businesses are in the rat race for providing more and more features to the user. But adding features will not help if they are not aligned with the business goals. If users are not able to comprehend or use the features easily, it will end up leaving them frustrated. UX design is the answer to delivering ease of use and seamless experience to the consumer. UX design refers to the process of creating products that can enhance user satisfaction and providing meaningful experiences. UX design is the new buzz word in the digital space. UX design tools aim to make products look and feel great for the user. Businesses are gradually waking up to the reality that content users and satisfied customers who speak of great experiences are key to their success. Based on a study conducted by Forrester Research, a well-designed UX can increase the conversion rate of a website by up to 400%. A Google research survey states that over 67% of the users were more likely to make a purchase from a mobile friendly website. A good UX is critical for your business for the following reasons: **Improvement in Accessibility/ Usability** With easy navigation and good aesthetics, users will be encouraged to pay multiple visits to your website or buy your product sooner. To retain customer engagement, the UI design must be minimalistic and intuitive. Enhanced usability and accessibility lead to positive interaction with the product for the consumer. **Increased conversion** With the multitude of websites out there, your website needs to stand out to be seen. Users will only choose those sites where they can find what they are looking for with minimum effort. The major UX design principles to increase conversions are:

  • Keep the number of steps to a minimum to reduce user efforts.
  • Maintain a perceptive page or app design so that no frustration is caused to the user.
  • Call-to-action buttons and the text on them must be clear and straightforward.
**Reduction in costs** Since major research and analysis goes into UX design, risks in new projects become significantly less. Usability issues can be addressed and fixed at the design stage rather than during development. **Improved SEO** Google no longer ranks web pages only based on keywords. It has updated its algorithms to fit in UX design so that it can provide the most user-focused results for searches. **Increase brand loyalty** Becoming a brand is crucial for a business to be recognized by the world. While getting customers is a challenge, retaining them is harder. Organizations must continuously strive to build strong customer relationships. Listen to the users and build a product to that end with a positive UX to win customer loyalty. **Word of mouth referrals** People do not just buy products but also experiences through each website or mobile app. A great experience stimulates word of mouth referrals for your web page and your business. Through UX, interaction and sharing on social media has become simplified and seamless. **Final thoughts** As per UXpassion.com, “companies with highly effective UX have increased their revenue by 37%”. UX will soon replace price as the key brand differentiator with competitors. People with good UX design skills will be an asset to your business. They will need to analyze and refine the design at every stage to achieve perfection. The more complex the UX design, the more profound the impact it will have on organizational strategies and operations.


UX Design Process

UX Tools

Consumer Experience


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