
Oct 18, 2020

. Consumer Experience .

3 min read

Why micro-interactions are important

Although UX design aims at the big picture, micro-interactions in UX cannot be ignored. These are small level interactions

Although UX design aims at the big picture, micro-interactions in UX cannot be ignored. These are small level interactions between the product and the end-user that make the experience fun and effective at the same time. What are micro-interactions in UX?

In the course of millions of interactions between the user and their mobile device, there are minute, subtle ones placed to make the user happy. These are micro-interactions. Technically, they are key interactive features of your product essential for functioning.

Several micro-interactions are found in all devices and apps. Their only motive is to delight the user and create an engaging and fruitful moment. Micro-interactions are single task communication of system status and feedback on the action. They occur in pairs of triggers and feedback. The trigger is a system state change or a user action. The feedback is the small response to the trigger communicated visually through the user interface.

Micro-interactions only occur from dynamic digital elements. Static features permanently present on screen are not micro-interactions. Some instances of micro-interactions are:

  • Accessing a single data piece such as a product rating
  • Adjusting an audio setting
  • Viewing status on social media pages such as Facebook
  • Turning on or off a system feature
  • Viewing an animation
Importance of micro-interactions in UX design

Micro-interactions greatly contribute to the look and feel of the product. They empower users by constantly engaging them. They make the product not only usable but also enjoyable. Micro-interactions in UX design can contribute to your product in the following ways:

  • Seamless user experience is created without too much effort
  • Website navigation is made very easy
  • Instant feedback is provided to the user about his action
  • Constant tips and notifications are given to the user to keep him engaged
  • Information about various digital elements is communicated to the user
  • User’s attention is diverted to the right element
  • The website or app becomes more human and emotional.
  • Tutorials can be made interactive and interesting
  • Encourages interactions and gives a feeling of achievement to the user
  • Due to constant interactions with the user, errors are prevented, and rework can be avoided.

A thoughtfully designed micro-interaction says how much your product cares for the customer. It creates a trust for the brand and reinforces the brand identity.

How to make your micro-interactions meaningful? Have a purpose

A micro-interaction must not only look pretty but also serve a purpose. The designer must keep in mind why he is choosing the feature, and what it is going to do for the user? Each micro-interaction must convey a message to the target audience aligning with the product goals.

Remain Consistent

You must plan your micro-interactions in a way such that they are consistent and reusable. The features incorporated must be in tandem with the theme of the product. They must be intuitive and creative, but at the same time, they must not give any unwanted surprises to the user.

Keep it Simple

Since the users are going to use micro-interactions on a regular basis, the simpler the design, the better. Complex features and multiple steps for a call-to-action will frustrate the user. The designers must focus on the long-term benefits of the feature and how to add value to them.

See from User Point of View

To design valuable micro-interactions, you must put yourself in the shoes of the user. You must know when, where, and at what time he will use this feature. This can come from the research of all available information about the user.

Use human language

Micro-interactions must be human and emotional. Bringing in emotions to your interactions establishes a better connection between the system and its user. Identify moments where the user has achieved something or completed an important task. Recognizing and responding to these moments makes users fall in love with your micro-interactions.

Keywords: Micro-interactions are important, Micro-interactions in UX, key interactive features of your product, create an engaging and fruitful moment, pairs of trigger and feedback, the importance of micro-interactions, micro-interactions meaningful


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